The Power of Story and Bibiotherapy

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In the article “The Power of Story”, stories are not just a book to read, stories become a defense mechanism and comfort zone for children. Children who have been victims of an physical and or emotionally abusive situation can be strongly affected by stories. Researchers have found that reading a book that is similar to the child’s situation with an alternative ending have had uplifting results, with children. Jean and John Pardeck from the The Power of Story article, point out how “literature provides models of how to understand and handle dilemmas and real life situations.” This description of the power through stories can be better describe as Bibliotherapy. This type of therapy helps human beings with self healing and self understanding through literature and films.
The exact definition of Bibliotherapy is; “ A really generic term for a continuum of activities that offer potential for growth, self-understanding, and healing through the use of literature or film”(45). Researchers “David Russell and Caroline Shrodes define Bibliotherapy in a much simpler form, the process between the reader and literature, interaction that may be utilized for personality assessment or for adjustment, preparation,healing, and growth”(45).
Bibliotherapy traditionally has three conceptual process; identification, catharsis, and problem solving.
Identification, is described as the connection the reader has with the character. It is the value the character brings to you and the emotional affiliation you have with that character, when they are going through their journey in life. In books individuals are able to connect to a novel’s character and live through their stories. These characters can become equivalent to a best friend, they can even expr...

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...from a novel.
Bibliotherapy has expanded greatly in the ‘united States. Mainly in the nineteenth century, the use of bibliotherapy began to expand epically nationwide. They found this method so effect that countries like United Kingdom have been starting their in bibliotherapy programs helping victims through novel, in psychiatric hospitals. There an abundant amount of research and studies that indicate how powerful stories can be. They have shown the success many have had that have been treated through bibliotherapy.This type of therapy has been described as one of the greater therapies, due to its reduced risk in major depression. Bibliotherapy has taken a very high role in help who have been victimized emotionally and physically. This therapy can also help others with PTSD ( Posttraumatic stress disorder) and many others, this therapy is very effective.

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