Pop Culture Argument: Social Networking

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My argument against social networking will give people some insight to my point of view in regards to why I feel it is harmful to individuals for several reasons. I will start by saying when these networks were first developed their mission was quite honorable and simple. Social networking was a place for people to just meet and converse in general. We are now living in an age of technology where the information contained on these sites is now being used against us. I am specifically talking about the integrity of the information that these sites currently hold on its’ members. Many of the social network members are truly unaware of the dangers that their personal information on these sites can have on the present, past, and future. For example, Face- book is a very popular site and it draws thousands of people to it daily for interaction of various events (i.e. job searches, reunions, finding relationships, and so on) but I would caution you not put too much of your personal information here because it can be used to draw you into a false sense of security and play on your emotional state of mind. Use of emotional appeals through Social networking sites is a powerful tool. After individuals compare their dating experience with others in a downward fashion via Social Networking site, relating to others with similar anxieties about dating may ease the person's depression or even enhance his or her self-esteem. . We need to especially play real close attention to our children when they surf on these sites. There are so many dangers we have to be on guard against. The potential of pedophiles passing themselves off as someone else to lure children into bad situations. The data could also ... ... middle of paper ... ... much of these social networking sites for granite because these threats are not reported as often as they should be. Many teens and adults need to re-evaluate putting information on any of these sites or even going on them altogether. Social networking communities need to return back to the basic initial meaning of their sites. Keyword being the word social, it is not for expansion or for profit but to socialize in a humane way in an insane world. So if you decide to join a social network site(s), I leave you with this warning, there are many unscrupulous, heart-broken exes, dumped boyfriends, spurned girlfriends, and just mean people in general uses these sites to extract a lot of vengeance so you should take all the necessary precautions to ensure they don’t have this data to harm or hurt you mentally, psychologically, or financially.

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