Politics: The Elements of a State

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Generally state and government are considering similar things. People use them in an identical sense. Even in world history many important people ignored this distinction between these two important political things and leaders or governments said, “we are state” they mainly claimed that actually the government and the State whose have authority on the people and country. Political science clearly makes distinction between the State and government to solve problems which political science faced. With these distinctions, it’s possible to differentiate state and government from each other.
The State has four important elements such as population, territory, government and sovereignty for to be established. On the other hand government is placed under the elements of the State. Government is an agent of the organic Concept called State. In the democracy, government is considered as servant and the State as master. More or less state is permanent and continues until extinction. But the government is temporary institution. It may change frequently. Governments may replace or recons...

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