Politics and Oil

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Whenever anyone combines the words oil and politics usually the thoughts remarks that arises afterwards are quite cynical. Oil and politics words do not have the knowledge behind these simple words. When most people are asked to discuss if they understand about oil and politics the usual response are “are the gas prices so high? And why is our government always finding ways to raise to raise taxes?” Nevertheless, most of society remains clueless to the extensive complexities because of complications of the politics behind oil and politics. Both Oil and politics both play an intrinsic role within our modern society. Oil Without politics, politics would not have its driving force to govern, and politics without oil, our world has not found a sufficient energy source to take the place of oil; modern political structures would be able to function. To be a successful in politics, one needs to have control, and is have control over everything this world has to offer, which is oil. Yet, how come when oil and politics are tied together, are the influences tend to be malevolent because politics has always needed something to govern over. Of course, when dealing with the land, and the people who inhabit on the land, standard and rules must be set in place to maintain order and stability for the purpose of economic growth and the betterment of the society. How does oil plays within the formula? Without oil, politics would not be the political structure it has growth into. Politics, at our technological level, would be obsolete, because with politics it is all about oil. In politics, oil takes no prisoners and cares for nothing. Human right, environment, animals, even the wealth of a society does not compare to supremacy of oil. Oil ... ... middle of paper ... ...le ordeal , Jean Miles was reduce to a fashion model, and labelled ‘Gene Smiles,’ after successfully exposing the truth, all back fired in the end. Miss Miles endured persecution, harassment, and death threats. Her political career was ruined. In December 9, 1972, Jean Miles had mysterious passed away in her home. The papers framed her death due to high inducted stress, alcoholism, and a weak heart. A vibrant woman, a strong leader, taking too soon, and the country went on like nothing ever happened. Generally, in our society this type of behaviour predicaments does happen from time to time. Especially with the 2011 celebrity, Darryl Hannah’s arrest in efforts to protest (outside the Whitehouse) against the construction of the pipeline route from Alberta’s Tar sands to Texas Politics and oil work collectively in unison, the one who has the oil, has the power.

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