K9 units - Dogs as Police Officers

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Almost every state and there cities have a K-9 unit. But if you're like me, your not to sure what they exactly are and how they work. Well there are many different kinds of K9 units, like patrol dogs, narcotic dogs, arson detection dogs, and explosive detection dogs. Plus K-9 units have two helpful new technology pieces to help then protect there canine partners.

Patrol dogs are trained to protect its partner. The dog is trained to bite under two circumstances. The first is when the officer commands the dog to attack. And the other is when ever an aggressive move is made towards the officer the dog will attack. A patrol dog is also able to track and trail a person. They can follow scents which are several hours old. They can't be fooled by fake tracks or if other animals cross the trail. Dog breeds used for patrol are, German shepherd's, rottweilers, and in some places Dobermans.

Narcotic dogs are not like patrol dogs. There not aggressive, or trained to attack. There carefully handed picked for their temper. They have to be patient and willing to work for long periods of time. They have extremely high levels of drive and enjoy there work. Dogs are trained to detect marijuana, hashish, cocaine, crack, heroin, and methamphetamines. Canines are trained to search for narcotic odors in all different areas. Like vehicles, luggage, warehouses, buildings, and open areas. Dog breeds used in narcotics are, Labradors, golden retrievers, German shepherd's, and Belgian millions.

Arson dogs are proving themselves to be a valuable asset to the arson investigators. Arson dogs are being used more each year by investigators and as well as private companies. Who do investigate for insurance companies. The use of a dog is to help pinpoint the location of where the fire started and what caused it. The dog reduces the number of samples that need to be collected and sent to be tested. This saves time and money. The dogs are trained to scent out a variety of chemicals used in a fire. Such as gas, lighter fluid, charcoal started, diesel. Kerosene, alcohol, brake fluid, paint thinner, and many more.

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