Pinel's Influence On The Mentally Ill By Philippe Pinel

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Philippe Pinel’s Influence on the Mentally Ill Western Wyoming Community College Tani Larsen Today mental hospitals are a great place for people that are mentally ill. They are given a room, therapy, and medicine. With the sole focus on trying to help them. However, that was not always the case. According to Whonamedit, before the late 1700’s, mental patients were chained up to the walls and put on display to the public (Philippe Pinel, 2015). Some of these people were restrained for most of their lives. Philippe Pinel changed this. Having visited a friend in a mental hospital, he was horrified of how these people were being treated. Thus, he felt he needed to do something to change it. Pinel was one of the biggest influences on …show more content…

Although he knew he had a long road ahead of him to truly understand mental illness he stayed strong in his belief that these illnesses are "an indivisible whole from its commencement to its conclusion, a regular ensemble of characteristic symptoms” (Philippe Pinel, 2015). This mindset is what made Pinel so successful. He was dedicated to discovering all he could about mental illnesses and how we could properly treat them. Before Pinel’s research, it was widely accepted that mental illness was due to people being possessed by demons. This religious view led to a lot of exorcisms that did not work and many people being starved or beaten to death in order to get the demons out. Pinel started to disprove this demonic theory and taught people that “mental illness is the result of excessive exposure to social and psychological stresses, and in some measure, of heredity and physiological damage” (Philippe Pinel, …show more content…

These people already had a hard enough time surviving in the world, they don’t need a doctor to abuse them physically or mentally. They need someone to be there for them and try and understand what they are going through and try to help. Pinel was this person to a lot of patients, creating a major change in the world of mental patients. A big concern to Pinel was that the staff at the mental institutes were not properly trained. After all this progress that had been made he did not want things to go back to how they were. So he had a group of specialists in mental diseases travel throughout Europe spreading Pinel’s knowledge. He wanted everyone to know what he had discovered and why the treatment of the mentally ill needed to be changed (Philippe Pinel,

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