The Big Five Personality Types

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The big five personality types are the most commonly used model of personality in academic psychology research. Most researchers believe that they are the five core personality traits of individuals. The big five are obtained from the statistical study of responses to the items of personality. Factor analysis researchers have looked at the responses of individuals to several items of personality and have summarized the unlimited personality variables into five major types: agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism (emotional stability), and conscientiousness, and openness to experience, (Maltby et. al, 2010). Individuals can assess their personality based on the big five personality traits outlined above. Results of the …show more content…

It indicated that I am a well-organized and mindful of most details. Most individuals always view me as one who avoids trouble and has the ability to achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning. Others also regard me as a reliable and intelligence (Maltby et. al, 2010). I believe possession of such traits contributed to the highest score during the assessment. I also scored highly in the trait openness to experience. It stated that I am the open minded person who likes hearing new ideas. I always enjoy thinking about new things. In addition, I am appreciative of art, intellectually curious, and sensitive to beauty. To some extent, I hate routine things and get bored with repetitive …show more content…

Employers need to analyze the personality traits of various individuals in order to get the best individual that can fit the new role. The high score of 8 points in conscientious personality type include traits such as hardworking, responsible, organized, and persevering among others.
Agreeableness personality type includes traits such as courteous, flexible, trustworthy, and cooperative are necessary for better job performance. Scoring highly in this personality can enable me to give the best results in the workplace. Being imaginative, original, broad-minded, and intelligent is crucial in achieving the objectives and goals of an organization. Therefore, scoring 8 points in openness to experience puts me in a better position of performing better in an organization. Emotional stability is considered to be the reliable predictor of job performance across most occupations and work assignments (Kallasmaa, 2002). Therefore, using a personality inventory in prospective employee hiring processes might add useful information, regarding any employment decision in any

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