Essay On Personality And Personality

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Traits and personality are things that people are born with. Many scientist have shown an interest in what the real factors are that creates a person’s individual personality traits. Human personality has been in constant debate on what influences it the most, nature or nurture. This debate can date back to the Aristotle and Plato time and continues with support for both sides today. Human beings can be genetically lined to fear the unknown and laugh out loud, or be bald, but they are capable of learning to hate reading, love tea, and tell lies as opposed to the truth.
Physical characteristics of humans are mostly influenced by multiple genetic variables. For example, according to research, height was determined as a relatively large genetic component (Child Psychology). Hereditary can be accountable for most human physical characteristics, however genetics get a bit more tricky when it comes personality, intelligence, and behavior of individuals. Individual personality traits are affected by the environment and genetics. Whether human nature is born or made is an ancient issue discussed by both …show more content…

This phrase “The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree” is used quite often when talking about family members especially parents and children. I can relate to this saying because so many times in my life I have been told you act just like your dad, or you are as compassionate as your mother. How can such similarities not be from genetics? After sitting in this psychology class and learning different things I can understand now that a lot of the theories we discussed relate to me personally. Who am I and why am I this person can be described as parents (genetics) and environment. Nature verses Nurture as we discussed in class and the personality theory The Big Five. So, this is who I am according to the five factors that Goldberg identifies as primary factors of personality

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