Rene Descartes And John Locke's Theory Of Personal Identity

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Personal identity in philosophy is a question about life and death. It determines the changes one may go through to exist. Personal identity is a theory that questions even our existence. Who are we and what happens after death is there a life afterward?
John Locke is one philosopher that has thoughts on personal identity. Locke thought that personal identity is an element of psychological continuity. It’s our beliefs and intentions that are important to ourselves, that they are needed and helps our character. Another factor of personal identity is individuals are their bodies. That means that the relationship between personal identity and human physical relations. Everyone’s bodies are different they distinct from the life and character. …show more content…

The first, theory or ideas are dualist or better known as dualism. This idea goes along with the philosophers Rene Descartes and Plato Aristotle. Dualism is the inequality among one’s mind and one’s matter. Dualism has a few arguments that go along with it, but one argument is dualism versus materialism. This claim that dualism requires free will. Also that it has two different outcomes, yes it is genuine and not its false. If one says that dualism is false, then it would be like its materialism. And if it was true then materialism, the way the body moves it made up by the law of …show more content…

Like if someone had their brain removed and switched with Barack Obama’s brain so that his brain goes into their body and mine into his. How would a psychological view of personal identity, is an example of biological. Its one’s own identity can transfer to another’s body. There is problems or idea that come up. A few are, who will the person be, will they the same person that they once were or would take the identity they switch too. If one were to do this, this transplant then the brains would hold your memories, thoughts, and other features. Once places in the other person, in this case Barack Obama would slowly start to be convinced that in this case is that individual, while that individual is now Barack Obama. Many question this and think that this can’t be that it doesn’t make since. How does it make it ethical, and you remain the person you once be with a new brain. There is an reason to call this operate or brain transplant a mistake. For example if Barack Obama is as of right now the president of United States, husband and father, former mayor of chicago, also a former lawyer and a teacher. While lets the individual be a full time college student, junior in college with a full schedule, works part time, a daughter, helps take care of younger siblings. If this transfer did happen the people would longer be the same person they once were. They would have now different memories,

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