Personal Birth Plan

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A birth plan is meant to help the parents for the physical and emotional idea of the birth process. The expectant parents who have a birth plan are better prepared for what is to come when the labor process begins. A birth plan requires evolution throughout the pregnancy because plans and ideas can change at any time (Kaufman, 2007). This personal birth plan is going to explore the idea of a natural home delivery with a midwife present. I personally feel that for my birth experience I would like my baby to be untouched by labor drugs and to ease into the world.
Many expectant mothers do not know they are pregnant right away; therefore, I personally feel that as soon as I find out I would contact my physician to be advised and have the pregnancy confirmed with blood work. After confirmation of my pregnancy, I would begin my search for skilled midwife. The reason I am choosing to work with a midwife is because midwife-led pregnancies produce better outcomes. Women are less likely to give birth before 37 weeks or lose the babies before 24 weeks. Women who work with midwifes have fewer epidurals, there is a decrease in assisted birth with forceps or vacuum, and lower occurrences of episiotomies (Clinical digest, 2013). This is the type of care I am seeking for my birth. I would find a midwife by conducting internet searches for ratings and referrals from others who have experienced labor with a midwife. I would then collaborate with my partner in order to meet a handful of midwifes to see which fit us appropriately as couple. After selecting a midwife who meets my needs, I would then collaborate with her about the importance of scheduling visits and how often we would meet. I feel that it would necessary to follow the typical regim...

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