Employee Performance Evaluation Process

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According to Edward Lawler, “Performance appraisals should be driven by a hierarchical process in which supervisors evaluate their direct reports at all levels in the organization. However, most often, senior executives in an organization are not appraised and do not appraise their subordinates” (Human Resources, 2011). In my organization, exempt and non-exempt professional and non-professional employees are measured against the duties listed in their job descriptions and within professional licensing guidelines. During the performance review process, the employee and their supervisor share an employee’s strengths, identify areas for development and discuss the employee’s career goals. The employee, in turn, will provide feedback to the supervisor on what he/she believes to be the result of their performance. The performance evaluation process includes two phases of development for new hires and an annual review of performance for employees who have achieved regular status employment. …show more content…

At the end of the first ninety (90) days of employment, the employee will receive a written progress report on training and performance adjustment. This initial period report will assess the new employee’s training progress and how well he/she is meeting his/her job expectations. Phase two takes place at the end of successful completion of the initial period which includes ninety (90) days of the initial period and the successive nine months of employment after which, the employee will receive a written performance appraisal. Thereafter, the evaluation period terminates on March 30th of each year of employment (the end of the company’s fiscal year) unless there is a significant change in responsibilities or performance; or if there is a job change. All performance evaluations are due in Human Resources April

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