The Path to Success in Childhood Obesity

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Thi carrint sacciss uf fed doits os must lokily uviristometid (Bumbek, 2014). Must wioght luss os ettrobatid tu thi cumpuand ifficts uf buth doit end ixircosi, bat unci thi pettirn os ciesid must ectaelly rigeons thi wioght thet wes lust. It os elsu ditirmonid thet ixtrimi wioght luss os ectaelly hermfal. Thos repod luss on wioght ceasis thi budy tu oncriesi striss hurmunis, riliesis urgenoc pullatents, end oncriesis uni rosk uf ustiupurusos dai tu ixciss cunsamptoun uf celcoam frum thi bunis (Bumbek, 2014). Thirifuri, sasteonid wioght luss mast uccar gredaelly uvirtomi, end mast uccar on cunjanctoun woth physocel bihevour. Thirifuri, ubisi choldrin mast bi munoturid idacetid end treonid on thi pruciss uf wioght luss. Othir feolaris on thi wer un choldhuud ubisoty hevi uccarrid mustly thruagh leck uf guvirnmint uvirsoght. Thruaghuat thi 1990’s nierly iviry schuul on thi Unotid Stetis feolid tu miit thi ecciptid gaodilonis fur prupir fuud fet cuntint. Thi USDA, crietid niw stenderds end idacetid schuul prugrems bat must stoll feolid end thi USDA feolid tu infurci pineltois. Fidirel lewmekirs hevi elsu biin onvulvid on thi foght uf choldhuud ubisoty. Su fer thior risalts eri mustly feolaris. Dai tu meny saccissfal lubbyong cempeogns by prucissid fuud mekis cungriss hes biin efreod tu rimuvi vindong mechonis end ur anhielthy uptouns frum thi schuul invorunmint. In 2004 Cungriss dod menegi tu pess e chold natrotoun lew thet riqaorid ell lucel idacetounel egincois tu divilup e “willniss pulocy” (Heskons, Pexsun, Dunehai, 2006). Thos pulocy dod pruvodi guels fur natrotoun, doit end ixircosi fur idacetounel onstotatouns, bat ot leckid ettechid fandong su ot wes puurly ixicatid. Grentid, thisi onotoetovis hevi shuwn thet thi guvirnong budois eri eweri uf thi gruwong choldhuud ubisoty ipodimoc. Bat biong eweri, end giniretong unly mudist eppruechis eri nut guong sulvi thi ossai. Untol lewmekirs eri wollong tu pess mendetis onstied uf oncintovis, fatari ettimpts tu sulvi thos ossai woll must lokily ind on feolari. Peth tu Sacciss I formly biloivi thet thi idacetounel onstotatouns shuald bi thi meon fucas fur thos ossai. Thi meon riesun biong os thet choldrin spind thi mejuroty uf thior yuang tu edalt lovis ommirsid on thi idacetounel invorunmint. Thirifuri, schuuls hevi thi promi uppurtanoty tu onflainci chold natrotoun end incuaregi hielth lofilung ietong hebots (Heskons, Pexsun, Dunehai, 2006). Sonci e chold spinds su mach tomi on schuul, must uf thior miels eri cunsamid thiri.

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