Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic

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First of all the Paleolithic age is a hard one to get exact facts on. This is due to the fact that there are no written records about how they lived and their way of life. However, scholars are able to learn about the Paleolithic people through other items besides writing. These items include; their cave paintings, seeds that were fossilized, and especially stones. The Neolithic age, on the other hand, is easier to find out information on because there were actual writings that came from that era. Some historians believe this is where the “real history” began, because there were writings and there were rapid changes that occurred during and after this time. The people of the Paleolithic era are known as hunters and gatherers. They did not …show more content…

Some advantages for the hunting and gathering bands were they were able to enjoy more leisure time compared to the people of a farming village. Also the fact that they did not have a government or a permanent leader making rules could also be seen as an advantage. This allowed for more equality among their people, especially among men and women. They might not be exactly equal, but they were more equal than in the Neolithic age. The agricultural societies on the other hand had more of a government format along with chiefdoms. This could be considered a disadvantage for them, due to the fact that once power is brought into the picture inequality among social classes usually begins. Inequality among men and women also began to emerge during this age, this could be because women were not contributing to the food supply as much as they were in hunting and gathering bands. Since women were now in charge of the child rearing duties and men were more involved in the heavy duty farm work, the men could see themselves as superior to women. The secondary tasks that women began to take on could lead some men to feel that they have more power. Some other disadvantages of the farming village is, as mentioned earlier, they lived closer so they became more prone to disease. Also this is when epidemics began to emerge, which meant that large number of people could be …show more content…

The Agricultural Revolution led to a whole new way of life. The most revolutionary aspect was that this age was the basis for many of the societies that followed. Human life and our relationship with food was transformed from this point forward. They did not let nature dictate the way they were going to live, rather they changed nature, and directed the process of life. The domestication of plants and animals contributes to the revolutionary aspect. This allowed for them to get more from the few resources they were provided in the limited area they lived in. Humankind was transformed from this point forward due to these revolutionary

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