Overview and History of the Sudan

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Due to its large size and location, the Sudan is referred to as “The Heart of Africa.” This country has a rich history that is marred by constant war and religious oppression. The Sudan is located within a varied landscape and with a varied populace. Fundamentalist Muslims who pronounce freedom but practice religious oppression control the government of Sudan. Despite this, other religions exist in the Sudan, but this often leads to rebellion and armed conflict. The Sudan, a nation still budding from its first independence since the Empire of Kush, suffers from an oppressive religious government that condoned the murder of its citizens and contributed to the secession of South Sudan.


The Sudan has a very long and violent past. The remains of early human settlers are traced back 60,000 years along the Nile River in Sudan. Despite this long history, the first major developments began with Egyptian expansion into the upper Nile valley. This expansion eventually led to the rise of the Kingdom of Kush. Following this, the next significant occupation of Sudanese soil occurred at the hands of the Ottoman Empire. This brutal occupation ended with British colonization. After World War II, Britain gave Sudan its independence, but independent rule has been plagued by corruption and war.

Kush. The first true expansion of power by the indigenous people of what is now Sudan began around 2000 B.C., with the expansion of the Egyptian Empire along the Nile River. The Egyptians, under Thutmose I, expanded into what is now northern Sudan and further along the Nile River basin (britannica.com). The Egyptian expansion led to mingling of the Egyptian and North African Nubian culture. The Egyptians referred to this land along the souther...

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...Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition.

Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. mylibraryus.armybiznet.com/EBchecked/topic/538793/Shariah>. Snyder, Gail. Sudan. Broomall: Mason Crest Publishers, 2010. Major Muslim Nations. Print.

"Sudan." CultureGrams Online Edition. ProQuest, 2014. Web. 31 Mar 2014.

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"Sudan." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition.

Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.

The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.


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