Organizational Ethics Issue Resolution Paper

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Organizational Ethics Issue Resolution Paper


For this paper Washington Mutual has been selected to show how the ethical decision making process can be achieve. When it comes to business ethics in the workplace Washington Mutual has designed what can be considered a well balanced workplace with behaviors that are aligned with their moral values and business ethics. Business ethics are sometimes depicted as resolving conflicts where one option can appear to be the correct choice. There are many different ethical dilemmas that are faced by managers and leaders everyday that are highly complex and have no clear choice or guidelines to assist in making the choices for resolution. There are times when an employee has to decide whether or not to cheat, lie, steal, or break their contract. These ethical decisions are real-life situations where they are forced to make on a daily basis. This is why it is ultimately important that all employee know the six steps to ethical decision making that the company uses.

The selected issue for the paper is where an employee has not given their current or potential customers accurate information when opening accounts or requesting new services from Washington Mutual. When a person is in the workplace proper business ethics is used on a daily basis. An employee can make ethical decisions by applying their critical thinking skills to the situation they can ensure that the decision that they make is the right decision. The decision process can be very tiresome process but with the proper procedures one can become a better decisions maker.

This paper will examine the six ethical decision making steps which are issue clarification, stakeholder analysis, values identification, issue resolution, addressing objectives, and resolution implementation and how they relate to the above issue where an employee has not given their current or potential customers accurate information when opening accounts or requesting new services from Washington Mutual. This paper will examine how each step relates to the company and the selected issue.

Issue clarification

Issue clarification is an important part of the ethical decisions making process for Washington Mutual. The reason why it is very important to the company is because this process makes the company stop and think about the customers and employees and the decisions that they are making. It also makes them look at these decisions and analyze them to see if they are ethical. Employees that work at or with Washington Mutual sometimes fail to give their customers the most accurate information due to the tie restraints and trying to achieve their quotas.

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