Culture In Organizational Culture

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Organizational culture, including values, norms, behavior, attitudes and trends of individuals and groups working relations. The working groups and relationships between individuals and work groups and humanitarian interaction between individuals and groups in the organization. Culture plays a vital role in the success or failure of organizations has led to the success of the organization if they contributed to the Creating a climate that encourages improving performance, as it may result in failure of the organization if it resulted in obstacles Preventing the achievement of system efficiency and effectiveness. “Culture is the patterns of ideas, customs and behaviors shared by a particular people or society. These patterns identify members …show more content…

Healthcare in Egypt occupies a central place both in people 's concerns and in state priorities. There is an extensive network of public hospitals in major towns and cities all over the country. There is a health unit offering basic medical services in practically every village. The standard of the medical service is variable, however, and people often find they have to obtain treatment in private hospitals and clinics. Among more affluent sectors of urban Egypt, people seek out alternative treatments such as homeopathy”. (The United Arab Republic. Before 1952: The Egyptian Kingdom). In Egypt trend towards ways of improving the performance and production through Encouraging the administration to the values of the independence of individuals and the values of the initiative in the performance values and risk tolerance, thinking Innovation and creativity. Encourage the administration to adopt the values and attitudes that meet the organization 's mission and commitment to the goals of the organization. On the other hand Iceland working on encourage the administration to the values motivate employees to make efforts and …show more content…

The society we live in is highly heterogeneous and is a blend of diverse cultures and traditions. This world has varied geographical terrains, languages and religious practices, and all of which come together to influence the perceptions of individuals and their belief systems. Cultural and traditional differences affect patients ‘attitudes about medical care and their ability to understand, manage, and cope with the course of an illness, the meaning of a diagnosis, and the consequences of medical treatment. In addition, culture specific values influence processes for decision making and managerial systems.” Understanding culture and behavior is important in healthcare to provide comprehensive care with a delightful experience for the patients. With respect to healthcare, the existence of a particular set of ideals in different societies also impacts what people find desirable in terms of physical appearance, their preferred travel destinations and their requirements from the preferred medical treatment. Cultural differences affect patients’ attitudes about medical care and their ability to understand, manage, and cope with the course of an illness, the meaning of a diagnosis, and the consequences of medical treatment.” Finally, the increasing diversity of the nation brings opportunities and challenges for health care providers, health care systems, and policy makers to create and deliver culturally

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