Opinions of Marriage in Austen's Pride and Prejudice

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In the novel, 'Pride and Prejudice,' by Jane Austen, many views are based on the controversial opinions of marriage and the characters who express an interest in it. Three characters in the novel share a very different view of marriage. The main character, Elizabeth Bennet, marries for purely love, Charlotte Lucas, the best friend of Elizabeth, only wants to marry for a comfortable home and to be financially secure, while Mr. George Wickham, a ruthless man, marries for money and prosperity.

Charlotte Lucas, one of the secondary characters in 'Pride and Prejudice', focuses on a different view of marriage, much unlike Elizabeth's and Wickham's. Charlotte asks for a comfortable home in marriage, which explains why she married to Mr. Collins, stating, 'I ask only a comfortable home, and considering Mr. Collin's character and situation in life…' This quote explains the reason of Charlotte's views towards marriage, because she wants to be secure in where she lives and what she is doing. As well as this, Charlotte hopes to be secure in society and shares a somewhat similar view of Wic...

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