Social Satire In Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

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Pride and Prejudice, one of Jane Austen’s masterpieces makes use of satire to promote social change, because the English society of the 19th century only saw marriage as a ticket that would help you move upward on the social ladder. Throughout the book, the reader gets front row seats as Austen mocks both the conservative middle class and upper class, giving the dissentient characters a chance to be seen in society with a better image. Austen expresses her feelings on why social changes must occur to her audience by making use of satire to describe Mrs. Bennet, Mrs. Hurt, and Miss Bingley in comparison to the way she develops characters such as Elizabeth Bennet and the wealthy gentleman Fitzwilliam Darcy. Furthermore, while the reader gets to witness dramatic moments from Mrs. Bennet, Mrs. Hurst, and Miss. Bingley as they strive to comply by the traditions of the 19th century, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy play a significant role in trying to demonstrate to the reader on why love should be the chief reason for marriage.
The reader notices Austen’s use of satire in the beginning of the novel when she introduces Mrs. Bennet, the mother of a middle class English family in the 19th century. Mrs. Bennet makes it her life goal to get all five of her daughters married to upper class, wealthy men such as Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley. You notice that Mrs. Bennet’s aspiration of finding husbands for her daughters becomes a fixation. This is best seen when Mrs. Bennet is thrilled to hear about Lydia and Wickham’s marriage that she forgets about the fact that her daughter’s elopement with Wickham nearly endangered her sisters’ chances of ever finding a spouse that would take care of them when their father dies. Another reason to why we should questio...

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...children to search for spouses, meanwhile, Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst endeavor to persuade Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley not to marry women from lower social classes. Nevertheless, the reader learns to ignore the satirized characters of Mrs. Bennet, Mrs. Hurst, and Miss Bingley and true love prevails when Elizabeth marries Mr. Darcy.
Jane Austen’s famous novel Pride and Prejudice promotes change in the way the English society during the 19th century viewed marriage. Through the use of conservative characters that were socially accepted in England during this time, Austen provides the reader with necessary details that show how insane these people were. On the other hand, Austen gives her dissentient characters more credit for their rebellious deeds. Austen’s campaign against social prejudice seems to succeed when Elizabeth marries Mr. Darcy for love rather than money.

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