On the Battlefield with Good and Evil and Examples in Literature

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As a kid I always loved going to the movies and seeing Spiderman, Batman, or Superman kicking the bad guys’ butts’ on the big screen. It seems movies these days always have the same overarching theme though good vs. evil. Even those super girly princess movies have aspects of good and evil. Take The Little Mermaid, for example, there is the protagonist, Ariel, and the antagonist, Ursula, and just like in all of the other movies, the good guy always wins. Although, the theme of good vs. evil is not only found in movies; it can also be found in history, literature, and day-to-day lives. Though the battle between good and evil manifests itself in many types of literary work, good always triumphs evil.
One major piece of literature has nursed the war between good and evil is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Although many characters in this novel seem to be involved in mini good vs. evil battles of their own, Cathy and Adam seem to be the epidemy of good vs. evil disputes. In example, is after Cathy has the twins, and she tries to shoot Adam; Adam defended Cathy to the poli...

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