Campbell's Related To The Four Objectives Of IT Governance Strategy

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Brett (2012 p.299) claims that: “IT governance is a function of the board of directors and the high-level executives within the organization. It centres on making sure the organization is using IT in a manner that is consistent with the overall organizational strategy.” And The Campbell’s plans that has been related to the four main objectives of IT governance: • “Ensuring that the IT being used or adopted within an organization is consistent with the organization`s goals and meets expectations.” One of the IT governance objective is matching IT to strategy, it demonstrates the task of what the organization wants to perform and the roles of how the organization to support in these goals. (Brett P.300) For example In 2002, Campbell`s operation strategy was to separated the core business and non-core business activities, which could achieve the growth of production through managing the non-core business activities at a low cost and managing the core business at the same time. (Case study p2). Campbell used the information technology such as, outsourcing the non-distinctive IT services, which refers to use of the …show more content…

Therefore, Campbell`s plans that related to the IT governance objectives on managing resources. And managing resources is ensuring that the relative IT resources that are been used appropriately, which include both people and technology aspect

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