Obama Care: Ted Cruz

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Ted Cruz is a junior Republican Senator form the state of Texas, since 2013; taking office on January 3rd, 2013. Before he would become senator he would be working for a private law firm representing corporate clients (Eckholm, 2012). He would go on to run for Senator in the state of Texas and win, which the “Washington Post” would call his win the biggest upset of the 2012 elections. Coming form a very republican state such a Texas means that his stance on issue would be very involved with that of the Republican Party. Pro-life, traditional marriages between one man and one woman, and a very heavy supporter of gun rights, he votes strictly along party lines. Also, he would not be afraid to flex his muscles out on the floor, and would threaten to filibuster any gun control legislation that would come up (Lengell, 2013). The threat to filibuster any gun control measure covers any effort such as any ID or background checks as well. Along with his stance on many of the top issues facing the country today, he was selected to on a nationwide tour in an effort to defund the Affordable Care Act dubbed “Obama Care”, and would go on to state that the government shutdown would not be a disaster to the republican party or America (Burns, 2013). Cruz would be one of the individuals that would be credited for the 2013 government shutdown.

Ted Crux is a government official of the opposite party of the current leaders of the country. His stance on issues are on the farthest point right of the conservative republicans. What Democrats will bring forward, Cruz will do what ever it takes to make sure that it doesn’t pass and dies on the floor. Whatever the Democrats position, Cruz will take the opposite. Ted Cruz has stated multiple times that ...

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...s hurt gun control bill, Sen. Pat Toomey

says". Washington Times. Retrieved August 17, 2013.

McMurry, Evan. "Ted Cruz Will Reprise His Debt Ceiling

Brinksmanship, But This Time Just ‘Cuz." Mediaite Ted Cruz Will Reprise His Debt Ceiling Brinksmanship But This Time Just Cuz Comments. N.p., 30 Jan. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. .

Patten, David A. "Ted Cruz Blasts Budget Deal, Warns Nation

Nearing 'Point of No Return'" Newsmax. N.p., 20 Dec. 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. .

Reed, Allen. "Ted Cruz Discusses Plans to Reduce Debt and Cut

Spending." The Eagle. N.p., 8 Oct. 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. .

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