The Negative Misconseptions Associated with Marijuana Use

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Marijuana is a plant species that is mainly known for its psychoactive effects when consumed – either through smoking, ingesting, or vaporizing. Being outlawed in most states by the year 1937, it has since been falsely accused with many negative side effects... none of which have been scientifically proven. It causes a knowledgeable person to wonder why marijuana is kept prohibited, while harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco are kept legal and supported by the government subsidiaries. Basing its legalization on another fallacy is illogical. However, basing its justification on sheer evidence and practical morals is quite the contrast.

There are many common misconceptions on marijuana; its’ supposed physically addictive properties being one of them. The hype around marijuana’s addictiveness is misleading to the core. In fact, marijuana has shown to be the least addictive out of 6 commonly used drugs – caffeine, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and marijuana. Studies show that it can actually help patients who are dependent on ‘hard’ drugs, such as cocaine, in the battle on their dependence. Not only are its physically addictive properties a misconception, but also its psychologically addictive properties:
Studies have estimated that between 5 and 10% of those who try smoking cannabis will become daily users sometime during their life, but most of these smokers will have given up the habit by age 30 and few remain daily smokers after age 40.

In fact, marijuana’s addictiveness is so highly disregarded by doctors that caffeine is regarded as 3 times more addictive than marijuana. Moreover, nicotine is more addictive than marijuana and the 4 other drugs in the study – alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and caffeine. ...

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... smoking. Another perfectly safe alternative is the act of vaporizing.

Vaporization is a technique for avoiding irritating respiratory toxins in marijuana smoke by heating cannabis to a temperature where the psychoactive ingredients evaporate without causing combustion. You inhale a mist instead of actual smoke. This allows for the same medical and psychoactive benefits of marijuana, without any harmful toxins being inhaled into your lungs If not legal for all, marijuana should be legal as a medical drug for peoples in all 50 states. Marijuana has been proven safe and its prohibition is wrong on many levels.

"Prohibition...goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded."

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