Negative Effects of Single Parent Housholds

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Have you ever known a friend who grew up in a household with only a mother or a father? well, i have. in a 2012 study done by the U.S. Census Bureau information, single parent households numbers are rising(Family, Family, and Divorce.) to be more specific of children living in single-parent homes has nearly doubled since 1960(LifeSiteNews) .Though single parent households that consist only of either mother or father do the best they can to support their children, there are some negative effects to not having a well rounded home life.
One thing that may be negatively affected would be a child’s behavior. Living in poverty is stressful and can have many emotional effects on children, including low self-esteem, increased anger and frustration and an increased risk for violent behavior(LIVESTRONG) .because this child does not have the attention of a child with two parents, this child may have to grow up quicker than most. Single parents are more likely to involve their children in the day to day running of the family. Children may have more chores and more responsibility for caring for ...

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