Essay On Nature In Frankenstein

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Throughout history, many have debated whether an individual's behavior is a result of DNA inheritance or developed through the environment they have grown to experience. One side believes that an individual inherits their behavior through nature which is DNA just like how it determines the child’s eye color, type of hair and the possibility of diseases. The other side argued behavior is developed through the environment in which they have experienced through the years. John Locke explains that at birth, a child is born with a blank slate and as they grow their mind is filled with experiences. The question arises whether the creatures’ horrendous behavior was a result being born a monster or his experience of being abandoned constantly. This …show more content…

Parenting can be a tough job and not everyone is fit for the position which can result in abusing the child emotionally and sometimes even physically. As for Victor Frankenstein, his initial response to his child was out of the ordinary. His screams of horror terrified the creature instantly as he was confused what he was born into. Normally, children are welcomed into the world with tears of joy and happiness because the parents are glad to continue onto their life with a small human being. Whereas Victor neglected his creation and wanting nothing to do with the creature. His response to the creature was not to care for it with joy but rather abandoned the apartment along with the creature. The creature even goes out of his way, struggling to walk like a one year old child seeking for his parent. When he stumbles upon him, Victor makes it clear he does not want to see the creature ever again in his life. Due to this, the creature becomes evil resulted from the constant neglect that Victor imposed on him, emotionally abusing him during his first years of life on this universe. Victims of those who spent their childhood being neglected by their parents causes “long-term difficulties with behaviour and mental health development,” which was definitely seen in his change of behavior and resorting to horrendous acts (Odhayani). Since Victor …show more content…

When the creature left the city of Ingolstadt and the surrounded villages, he decided to live in the forest where he is isolated from the outside world. Living in the forest did not have benefits of survival as there was insufficient amount of foods and shelter. His only way of surviving was by seeking shelter in a hovel outside of home and stealing food from them without noticing him. Soon he realized the family had struggled financially and feels terrible for stealing food so he decided to gather resources and even does chores. These actions were done from kindness of his heart but never wanted to reveal himself to this family. The De Lacey family became an important figure to the creature because of the endless love and care they had for each other which he hoped to receive in the future. Surrounded by family that became a positive impact, despite their daily struggles, the creature felt “sensations of a peculiar and over powering nature; they were a mixture of pain and pleasure, such as I had never experienced before,” and found peace and happiness from being surrounded with this family (Shelley 114). From this family, he learns how to speak and read since he previously had struggled with sensations of emotion and physical features such as to walk. The creature overhears that the family

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