Essay About Maths

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Why do we really need to learn about you every single day for almost a whole hour? Math is important but not to the point where we need to learn how to find the square root of 625 and then subtract X to get how many apples are in a barrel. We will probably never use you in our lives. You have been in my life ever I’ve been in kindergarten. Every time I learn about you my teachers are horrible. For some reason, I believe math teachers are cursed with some poisonous potion that makes them cruel and horrifying. When I was in third grade, my first day of school was awesome. We all got to know each other and we spent the day drawing and writing about our summer. I thought my teacher was nice until we started to get working. A week past by and we started to do some math. At that point she changed from a blooming tulip to vine of poison ivy ready to infect someone. I thought to myself what could have caused such an enormous change in such a small time. It finally got to me: math. …show more content…

If you ask anyone in my class on their opinion if we will have to use you in our everyday life they will no. I totally agree with them. What is the point of learning stuff such as algebra or geometry. We will probably never need to find the answer for x and most likely never inscribe a triangle into a circle. For me, you are just stressful and a complete waste of time. Do you know what you ever cause for some people? According to, stress is bad for the physical and emotional state of your body because “it makes you easily agitated, frustrated, and moody. It can also cause you to feel overwhelmed, like you are losing control or need to take control. One of the worst things that may happen is you have low self-esteem, you feel lonely, worthless, and depressed. In my opinion having low self esteem and being depressed is the worst because not believing in yourself means you are afraid of anything, even it it isn 't

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