Gender Experience Essay

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Gender experiences happen throughout our lives on a daily basis however, many times we are unaware of these experiences. I am 46 years old so I have seen many changes in gender stereotypes but never paid much attention until I was taught/shown what these experiences are. I am going to share with you my experience at a job interview with the United States Postal Service.
After several steps in the hiring process, I was interviewed by a middle aged man and I knew I would need to prove that I was capable of performing such a physical job. For this interview I dressed very professionally and my hair and makeup was done. During the interview he told me that it was not a pretty job and that you get dirty, spend most of the day standing and are required …show more content…

The women in these positions wanted to be treated like men and did not want preferential treatment because of their gender. Unfortunately women still do not choose these occupations mostly by choice but also because of the sex-typing of these positions (Hulme 165). The article relates to my gender experience by pointing out that gender should not play a role on whether or not you are qualified for the job. I did not want special treatment and I proved that I could do the job better than a man and I take pride in that. I understand that sex-typing of traditionally male occupations is why women tend to resist pursuing …show more content…

These are social constructs that are set by society. Construction has always been a masculine job and because women can do it makes men feel like they are losing their masculinity (Ness 670-671). The article relates to my experience because the man interviewing me needed to make sure that I was capable of the harsh working conditions because gender stereotypes would say that I was to feminine to perform such a masculine job. I guess gender stereotypes will always be part of certain

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