My Day Without Technology: A Day Without Technology

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My Sunday Without Technology

Last Sunday February 14, San Valentine’s Day, I took advantage was this special day and I was going to take the day off work with my husband so I tried to spent the whole day without technology, but was really hard. First, I am a person who lives with the technology. My work is in front my computer and my cellphone the most of the time. Second, I decide to choose this day because I don’t have a lot of work, usually my husband and me take this day for us; enjoying this day together, but I realized that all activities that we made we need technology. And the last one, was so hard because I was doing all my efforts and I could only endure an hour without technology. It’s difficult but no impossible cope with technology withdrawal. All do we need, depends of our mind, trying to keep our essential like a human being in this beautiful and natural world that belongs to us all. Technology is essential but equally essential is not let ourselves be controlled by these new inventions. In this essay I present you my experience in an ordinary Sunday …show more content…

I am thankful that I had the opportunity to analyze the situation than personally I’m living in this era, using a lot of the time technology in every situation, like work, home, entertainment, etc. I was disappointed that I cannot be able to avoid at least one hour without technology and I think is the same situation for the rest of the people living in this civilization. Thanks to the technology I had achieved a lot of things but I lost o lot of very important things that I learned when I was a child. I assume that I waste a lot of my precious time using a lot of technology when I have time to enjoy real moments with real people and even with myself. I think is time to think in a change a little my life to enjoy most the human relations, healthy food, environment and all things that the most people have

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