Essay On Multiculturalism

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Multiculturalism personally
Multiculturalism, many would describe this term to be just multiple cultures crossing paths but in actuality it 's has many unique definitions to a series of groups and individuals. The IFLA, international Federation of Library Associations defines it as “the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles”. The term entails a lot more than just a certain group or specific thing. It is often misconstrued to be just a cultural complexity among society. Multiculturalism has a lot to do with how one is brought up, and on a more individual level. …show more content…

I was brought up as a Palestinian, Jordanian Muslim first generation, and balanced american society alongside my culture’s expectations had a large effect on how i would act and interact among my peers. This all included the languages i spoke, the mannerisms i had as well. My culture’s expectations hindered me greatly to prioritize certain things over others, which always would clash. For example I had the role to always take care of my household but at the same time i always wanted to go have fun with my friends and enjoy their company as well. Over the course of my life i had to balance all of those expectations to please many around me as well as my traditions and cultures. This describes a bit of my personal multiculturalism. I’ve seen and made so many friends who had many similar multicultural backgrounds that shaped them today that is mostly why we relate so …show more content…

Both my American and arab cultures. It’s a lot more than just overcoming conflict among the boundaries set by each culture it’s about embracing the both and being able to balance them both. The term multiculturalism is always taken as a simple term of two cultures intertwining but this misconstrued definition causes those to misunderstand their positions. For example no one who had multiple cultures, understood where i came from when i told them about myself as there wasn’t much info or proper understanding of what exactly multiculturalism is. Another thing overlooked in the basic definition of what multiculturalism is, religion. Religion plays a large role in how people act and interact as well. It on it’s own creates its culture that people obide by and listen to their religions’ boundaries set for them. For me religon set boudaries that i listened to mostly, and it often created conflict among the american culture. Religion shapes a lot of people but that is always overlooked

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