The Movie On the Waterfront

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The movie On the Waterfront begins with a long shot and the surroundings on the edge of a waterfront. There is a dark lighting like sunset is about to hit, and we are able to see a giant cruise liner in the harbor. The giant boat stands out in the light, and the much of the water is dark. There are many horizontal lines that define the giant boat, and a few vertical lines are able to get distinguished by the small boat with the mast on it as well as the shed on the side. The music has rapidity and suspense that leads you to think that something bad is about to happen. The camera has a long shot that moves to medium. The long shot is balancing with the rapid music because since there is a long short is not as suspense with the hurried music and you feel more comfortable. The Men come out of the small shed by the dock. They walk in a linear form, one behind the other, wearing long dark coats with a mysterious look on their faces. Most of them are wearing the long coats that fall to their knees, and one of them is wearing a square pattern shirt with his right hand in his jacket , his and expressions unhappy.
Generally what happened in the first five minutes is that Terry was tricked into convincing Joey to get out onto the roof of the building kill Joey by throwing him of the building and making seem that joey fell by accident off the building. The ambulance arrived at the scene as soon as the incident happened and Joey’s sister Edie, arrives as well desperately claiming what had happened and who would want to kill Joey?.
Throughout the first five minutes the shot changes from long to medium within this time frame when the men get out of the shed and walk to the car were there is a elegant looking man waiting for them. The worke...

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...l Joey and throw him into the shore. The camera movements would be between Joey and Terry when they are talking about a plan to convince everyone he really is dead. They will have a short shot and in between a long short length shot to a far boat where someone is watching everything that is happening. The music would continue to be suspense and loud playing instruments. The long shot will balance the loud music with the extreme distance close ups.
I am not a big fan of black and white movies. They don’t interest me, especially because they are mysterious and dark most of the time. At the beginning I did not take much interest in it because I was confused of what was happening and why it was happening. After reviewing it with the class the beginning made sense, so the second time I was more focused on the movie than the first time where I was just in blank about it.

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