The Most Peaceful Place

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The Most Peaceful Place I Have Been In my seventeen years on this earth, I have traveled to some unique places. I would say that I have experienced a wide variety of peaceful places. However, my most peaceful took place on a trip with my parents, Kelsey, and Lexia Nichols. I endured an eighteen hour long car ride to Keystone, Colorado. Even though the car ride itself was hectic, our destination was by far the most peaceful place I have ever been. Lake Dillon stood out to me to be the most peaceful place by the way one could sit on the banks and be surrounded by the snow capped mountains, calmness of the lake, and smell of the fresh trees. Seated on the bank of Lake Dillon, I looked at the snow capped mountains and felt as though I was looking
The lake itself left me in awe. The water happened to be very calm so that it appeared as if it were glass. I was so intrigued by how calm it was that I begged for my parents to give Lexia and I permission to kayak across the lake. They ended up saying yes, so that I would quit bothering them. As we kayaked, our paddles would cut through the water like a knife cuts through butter. Doing this action repeatedly was mesmerizing. The times when we stopped and dipped our feet into the lake, Lexia and I were able to look down at the water and see a good ways down. Although both the mountains and the lake itself brought me so much peace and tranquility, the scent of the Aspen and Pine trees still linger in my
Although all these things contributed to making Lake Dillon the most peaceful place I have ever been, it would not be peaceful if God had not created it. How the mountains look, or how the waters move, or even how the different trees let off unique scents. He leaves me in awe daily, and seeing Him through nature reminds me of how powerful He is. The amazing God who created everything knows my name, and wants a personal relationship with me. Lake Dillon brought me peace and reminded me of very important things. Such as, God is in control and is the Creator of all the universe. I still yearn for the day where I can revisit Lake Dillon, and maybe the second time will be even

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