Separation In Charles Eisenstein's The More Beautiful World

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More Beautiful World: Separation: In the first chapter of The More Beautiful World, Charles Eisenstein introduces the idea of separation. The idea to separate ourselves from the world we have always known and to make a change for yourself. The author explains we have always lived in a world that is considered normal to us, a world where we are safe and secured, but in reality there are many problems. Although there are many of these problems, we live on as if nothing is changing. I think Charles Eisenstein idea of separation is agreeable. We live in a world where a person has to meet certain expectations to be acknowledged by the public. We have become highly dependent on one another that we are unable to change. Change will not happen unless …show more content…

We keep trying to improve the world, but in reality we are damaging it. The more we try to improve human civilization, the more we are destroying the planet. Even in today’s world, we are still trying to fix problems from the past. It really gave me insight on the world the author said “The breakdown of the old story is kind of a healing process…” (Eisenstein, 13). It made realize the world is recovering from past problems. Interbeing: In this chapter, Charles Eisenstein presents the concept of “Interbeing”. We are all connected in ways we can’t imagine, but feel more separate from each other. Whenever someone feels pain, someone feels the same type of pain. Not physically, but in way where the person can relate to. Even so if the pain is unrelated to the person, they still feel hurt in some way. Some people try to hide their pain. They live on as if nothing is happening, but really they are in pain. We see the pain changing us, but act as if everything is normal. I really liked this chapter in the book. His explanation and examples of how we are all connected amazed me. More specifically, his usage of pain as example to show how we are all connected kept me interested in

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