Consequences Of Taking Cultural Realism

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1. That morality is not relative, Rachel argues, “ Claims made by its proponents go beyond what the facts or arguments can establish”. She argues that we do not need morality because of culture differences and values based on where we are. Also talks about what can be learned from relativism and states that because of it morality is not needed and know what to do based on their moral codes.

2. Consequences of Taking Cultural Realism Seriously, (1. We can no longer say that other cultures societies are inferior to our own 2. We decide whether our actions are right or wrong by consulting the standards of our society, 3. The idea of moral progress is called into doubt). Stating that different cultures agree on different things because of what they value which makes them different from each other.

3. Disagreement is not a problem, Rachels’ states that even if a majority of a group say they do not disagree it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone needs to disagree with it. Which doesn’t make it necessarily wrong but means that a group does not fully agree on something. An example is how some cultures eat cows and others chose not to. It doesn’t mean that it is morally …show more content…

Without knowing the difference our actions would not fully represent us and would not be true to what we are trying to accomplish. If we did not know the difference then we could not make simple decisions without knowing which one to make. We are born with a conscience it is something that we should use constantly. You learn what is right and wrong the moment you are baby by observing around you and learning from your parents. Its important for us to know what is morally correct and not just socially acceptable. There is a huge difference between what is actually right and what is actually condoned and normalized by

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