Morality And Objective Morality

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The position that I hold regarding the essay’s question is that I do not believe in an objective morality or in objective moral truths, I believe that all morality is entirely relative and subjective based on cultural norms because moral relativism is the philosophized meaning that right and wrong are not absolute values and that they are personalized based on the individual and the circumstances or cultural orientation. Morality applies within cultures but not across them. Ethical or cultural relativism and the various schools of pragmatism ignore the fact that certain ethical percepts probably grounded in human nature do appear to be universal and ancient, if not eternal. Ethical codes also vary in different societies, economies, and geographies …show more content…

Moral decisions are based on ethics such as divine command theories, ethics of conscience or ethics of our inner voice, ethical egoism, ethics of duty, ethics of respect, ethics of rights, ethics of Justice, virtue ethics and utilitarianism which is an ethical philosophy in which the happiness of the greatest number of people in the society is considered the greatest good. According to this philosophy, an action is morally right if its consequences lead to happiness, and wrong if it ends in unhappiness. Socrates and his contemporaries were the first to undertake by reasoned analysis and arguments to investigate how one ought to lead one’s life and, on that basis, to reject uncritical reliance on the traditional authorities in these matters. The claim that they are to be regarded as the first moral philosophers rests on their self-conscious appeal to the authority of reason in determining how one ought to lead one’s life, and there attention to devising methods appropriate for the employment of reason in investigating the questions that arose in this connection. No complete writing of any of this first generation of moral philosophers survives. The principal lines of the later debates were shaped by this first generation of moral theorists. Three treatises on ethics survive under Aristotle’s name: Magna Moralia, Eudemian Ethics, and the

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