Moral Hazard Of Health Care System

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Q1) Health insurance, whether provided publically or privately, suffers from the problems of moral hazard and adverse selection? How can health insurers get around these problems? To understand the moral hazard and adverse of health care system, first have to understand the health care system itself. Health care is provided to publics or citizens of the country in different ways. One if publically health care and other is private health care system. For example Canadian health care system. Canada provides its citizens or residences a public health care system. Which is also known as a federalism. Federalism means the federal government is responsible for providing health care to its people. Most of this money to provide for the health care …show more content…

We live in a world where we are always busy doing something. We are doing so much in such little time that we often forget or do not have time to take care of ourselves. Our body should be our temple. If we do not take care of it, we will not be able to do the works that need to do, that always keeps us busy. In modern era being overweight has become a normal thing. People are not expected to have a perfect body. However, they are expected to be healthy. Some people are underweight. Some are overweight and some are obese. When a human body has more than 30.0 BMI is considered obese. BMI represents body index mass. BMI is body to height ratio. Having higher BMI doesn’t always mean someone is unhealthy. A lot of bodybuilder have higher BMI. However their BMI is higher because of their muscle mass and not body fat. Obesity is on the rise and it is growing fast. North America has the highest rate of obese people in the world and the number is going up every day. Different things causes obesity. For example sleep deprivation, lack of fresh food, food, cost of fresh food, lack of time, fast food at ease and lack of …show more content…

By teaching children at an early age the negative side of obesity, it will help keep them reaching for fast food. Government should focus on informing them about the need to fresh food in our everyday diet and the side effect of junk food. By doing this at an early age, it will create a good habit among the children and it will help them in the long run. Government should also introduce more outdoor actives for the children. Children now a days spent more time sitting at home playing video game then spending more time outside being active. By promoting more outdoor activities, the government will help people be more outdoor than indoor. In big cities there are barely any parks or recreational place. By improving the outside atmosphere, government will encourage more people to be outside and be more

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