Importance Of Poverty In Kingsolver's Pigs In Heaven

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Poverty is prevalent in all races; however the way people deal with poverty is primarily sought out to their culture and society values. In Kingsolver 's novel Pigs In Heaven, she discusses white culture and Indian culture. Kingsolver shows the disparity between the two cultures in how one out-lashes and blames the poor (white culture). While Indians are poor so they are not more incline to have cynical thoughts. Society values fuel the notion within people about how they should regard other people 's misfortunes and according to American values the poor are poor, because they are lazy. Kevin also states that “With all the opportunities that are available, and somebody’s still sitting around staring at his navel on a park bench, you’ve got to admit they must be that way partly out of choice.” (Kingsolver, pg 218) Kevin showcases the bluntness and
Taylor works as a handi-van driver and is paid minimum wage. Taylor has to “reside in a long brown box of a building with twenty identical doors in the front, spaced every twenty feet or so like boxcars.”(Kingsolver, pg 208) Kingsolver showcases the extent how people would exert profit through people 's living arrangements. The owner divides the apartment complex accordingly to get more money by each tenent. Which is problematic for Taylor in the long run because she is unable to afford the roof over their heads because there are so many other things she needs to worry about. Such as utility bills, and providing food. It is increasingly taking a toll for her, because she can 't do this alone. Which in hindsight is exactly the opposite of how Native American culture prevails. Native Americans in the Cherokee nation don 't ever feel like they 're going through tough times alone, because everyone is providing some sort of aid. They may be poor but they help one another with any way they

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