Genmenological Methodology Of Phenomenology

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Phenomenological Methodologies Phenomenology is essentially the qualitative approach to understanding the human experience from a psychological perspective. Phenomenology and humanistic psychology are often identified as less inclined to place individuals into classic categories or groupings, as other psychology methodologies have been known to do (Schneider, Pierson & Bugental, 2015). Phenomenological research as defined by Husserl and Heidegger is focused on the human experience and the relationship between being fully human and the lived experience associated within (Schneider et al., 2015). This methodology includes structural evaluations, rigorous description, unbiased observation and descriptive meanings of humanistic …show more content…

Similar to Husserl in his attempt to understand the human experience, so does hermeneutic methodology in that the tenet is to gain a deep understanding and ability to interpret each experience (Kafle, 2013). A difference in contrast to Husserl’s methodology is that this embraces interpretation whereas transcendental phenomenology is purely descriptive (Kafle, 2013). Heidegger argues that description is a form of interpretation, every form of human awareness or consciousness is open for interpretation. Tenets of this methodology include interpretation of expressive works, arts, truth, language, thinking, dwelling and being (Kafle, 2013). Variations of this methodology further build upon the primary tenets in that humans interpret meaning to their existence through myth, religion, art and language. In return humans question the meaning of their very being, self and …show more content…

An obvious difference between methodological approaches of Husserl and Heidegger is that Husserl embraces a more descriptive approach while Heidegger an interpretive method. According to Giorgi (2012), descriptive methodologies aim to describe the data collected as a result of the observation, while interpretative methodologies attempt to interpret and understand the observations made with deeper meaning and explanation. As briefly mentioned, in the hermeneutic approach, the data is analyzed based on the preconceived observation and understanding of patters and data collected with little direct involvement of the researcher. The heuristic approach is far more structured via predetermined interview questions and dialogue prompted between the researcher and the client (human). Transcendental phenomenology similarly uses interview questions but also encourages the researcher to keep a safe distance in order to assure an unbiased interpretation without preconceived

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