Jesus The Messiah

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Different Perspectives on Sin and Jesus the Messiah
With the many different religions in the world today, there are many different views and perspectives on sin and Jesus the Messiah. When talking about those two topics, most religions have a thought or idea. The two religious faiths that are mentioned in this paper will be Judaism and Christianity. To find the answers that will help explain sin and if Jesus is the Messiah, many scriptures from the Old and New Testament will be looked at. The following paper will not be comparing Judaism to Christianity but two characteristics that they both share. When you look at Judaism and the Christian point of views on the subjects of sin and Jesus Christ being the Messiah, you will find different perspectives and views from two different faiths.
How was sin introduced into Christianity? To find this answer, one must go back to the book of Genesis and read about Adam Eve. Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah God and they were perfect humans that were going to live forever. While living in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve needed to be obedient to God. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, they sinned and were no longer perfect. Because of this act, all humans born from this time forward were born with sin. “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death came through sin, and so death spread to all because all have sinned” (New Revised Standard Version, Rom. 5.12). “Surely there is no one on earth so righteous as to do good without ever sinning” (Eccles. 7.20). According to Christians, Jesus is the only man who walked the earth that never sinned. One, who believes in the Christian perspective, believes these scriptures to be true. ...

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...if there was any doubt that he was the Messiah. “It’s in the scriptures, and they have been proven true. If you do not want to look at the scriptures in the New Testament, you don’t need to. There is enough evidence in Isaiah, Psalms, and Genesis. There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus Christ is the Messiah”.
Questions regarding sin and is Jesus the Messiah can bring several answers. Judaism and Christianity both have their beliefs on these subjects. Which faith has the correct answers? Both the Jewish and Christian perspective on these topics used the scriptures to defend their beliefs. People interpret scriptures in many ways. Two people could read the same scripture and depending on their faith, will give you two different answers. As we have found out, there is no right answer or wrong answer when it comes to sin and Jesus being the Messiah.

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