Medical Experiments on Animals Create Abuse and Suffering

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The Screams Behind the Creams:

An Analysis of Vivisection in the Medical Industry

19.5 million animals are killed every year due to different experiments being tested on the animals. Vivisection is the use of live animals during operation for scientific research. Such animals may include: dogs, cats, primates, guinea pigs, and hamsters. One of the most common forms of vivisection is the experimentation for medical purposes such as making new medicines. The use of animals in the medical industry should be prohibited, in order for the industries to stop abusing the animals and causing them to suffer.

When scientists experiment on animals many precautionary measures are disregarded and therefore animals experience an excessive amount of unnecessary pain. “Many laboratories that use only these species are not required by law to provide animals with pain relief or veterinary care” (Animal Experiments: Overview). This quote points out one of the many flaws of the testing facilities. With numerous animals, it may be costly to give them pain medication, so the less animals that are used in labs means that facilities can afford the care and therefore a law can be created to administer a drug that will eliminate the agony animals may feel. If there are no animals used in testing, though, then the savings from the pain medications could be spent towards another way of testing. Without a law in place, research facilities are allowed to trigger any amount of pain in the animal. “Before their deaths, some are forced to inhale toxic fumes, others are immobilized in restraint devices for hours, some have holes drilled into their skulls, and others have their skin burned off or their spinal cords crushed” (Animal Experiments: Overview). All of...

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... to a substance, so different results are shown. In conclusion vivisection does not benefit the people, for it only leads to more deaths.

Laws should be formed that protect the abuse of animals who are used in vivisection because industries are only hurting the animals and not producing drastic results from the tests. The facilities that perform vivisection are allowed to cause pain in any amount to the animals. The animals are placed into unnatural habitats that change the way the animals behave. Another reason these laws should be put into place is because facilities could save money by using another form of testing that doesn’t result in multiple deaths. Avoiding the products that are produced as a result of vivisection can lead to companies having to shut down due to lack of business, and new opportunities for medical and other types of research will emerge.

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