Media And Body Image Essay

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Media and Women’s Body Image In the last ten years, media has changed dramatically. In 2004, newspapers, especially on Sunday, were the best way to discover current news. Ten years ago, television mainly consisted of broadcasts (Maunder). Now television has evolved into a world of reality shows (Ashikali, Dittmar, and Ayres 2). This evolution of media has had a negative effect on the way woman view their own bodies. Media has changed for the worse with new cosmetic surgery and modeling shows. These changes has lead to body dissatisfaction in women worldwide which can cause mental and physical health problems, With the current media, the “thin ideal” is a growing problem for women. Many forms of media portray the average woman as skinny as …show more content…

Mental health is one issue in women that has been discovered because of body dissatisfaction from media. This is the most common negative effect from media on women’s body image. For example, “low self-esteem,” is a mental health issue that can arise either by itself, or accompanied by physical health issues. A deteriorated self esteem is not the only mental health issue, depression is also very common. With both of these, eating habits are likely to change, leading to physical health problems, (Grabe, Ward, and Hyde …show more content…

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