The Importance Of Strategies And Presentation Strategy

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Planning, Creating, And Telling a Brand story is a part of the marketing communication strategy for organizations. This paper will explore marketing communications strategies, while also analyzing the five-step process for communications campaign planning. This paper will discuss and also assess the differences between presentation strategy and execution strategy. It will provide information and a thorough description of each step. A five-step process for communications campaign planning goes as follows number one Define the target market. Identifying the target audience and aligning that audience with the target market is most important when defining the target market. This is important for a brand to align the target audience with the target …show more content…

These are approaches used by many organizations to manage scheduling given the season of sporting events. The next phase of this paper I will discuss the differences between presentation strategy and execution strategy. In addition to, assessing the presentation and execution strategies, I will summarize the relationship between execution strategies and message strategies. Finally, this paper will differentiate between exposure and engagement and describe the marketing tools associated with each. Presentation strategies are intended to impact the relationship between a consumer and the brand using a message strategy. Message strategies are pivotal in delivering key ideas and execution of the brand story. Presentation strategies in sports marketing make it pivotal to understanding the four scenarios unique to sports that affect the selection of presentation …show more content…

Execution strategy should be aligned with message strategy and must be presented using the proper execution strategy. Seven different execution strategies are described the first one is Informative execution is presented in a straightforward manner; useful for creating awareness or brand association. The next execution strategy is the Slice-of-life execution used as a solution to a problem faced with everyday situations. Lifestyle execution – aligning the product with a consumers ' interests and lifestyle, visuals help convey lifestyle messages. The Testimonial execution – Is message feedback from other customers, employee, or other stakeholder. Endorsement execution – An athlete, coach, selection of an endorser should consider fitting between an endorser and brand and likeability of endorsers. Call-to-action execution – Message focuses on encouraging the audience to do something like ordering tickets, visiting a website, and calling a sales representative. Lastly scarcity is encouraged by suggesting limited time or availability of a product offer. Those are the different types of execution strategies and their uses. The different messages and executions need to be considered in order to effectively produce marketing messages to consume of the target market. Message’s execution strategies should always be aligned with the target

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