Manmade Harmful Chemicals

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Manmade harmful chemicals
Many people are unaware and simply misinformed of the major implications that many chemicals that are manmade can have on their bodies. Several things I want to discuss are as follows. Hazards of using most pesticides, the affect it can have on pregnant women, cancer risks among painters, how children are affected from many chemicals, and also perfumes that manwomen use and how it has been linked to certain types of cancer. One would really believe that with all the current technologies these days there would be a lot less of these harmful chemicals in our air, and products that most humans use every day. I guarantee you would be surprised to find that chemicals that are contained in even most unsuspected items such as shampoo has been linked to cancer. (Davis) The government needs to focus more on us not itself….but that is a whole different topic.
First I want to talk about harmful manmade chemicals that are introduced in almost everything we use. These harmful chemicals can be found in pesticides, food additives, and even trace metals (Schubert)It has been found that every single year an estimate of 250,000 chemicals have been introduced to the catastrophic 2,000,000 chemicals that have already been found to be in use. Sadly, about 500 of these new harmful chemicals are used widely among humans .(Schubert)it is found that the percentile of humans exposed to potentially dangerous and possibly life threatening chemicals is as high as 100 percent. This is due to the fact that these chemicals are released into the air all over the world as well as put into our soil that we grow food out of across the globe and will somehow enter the human body either directly or indirectly eventually . (Schuber...

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Claudio, Luz. "The Hazards of Cleaning House: Urban Women's Exposure to Pesticides."Environmental Health Perspectives 110.5 (2002): n. pag. JSTOR. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. .
Phillips, Melissa Lee. "Children's Centers Study Kids and Chemicals." Environmental Health Perspectives 113.10 (2005): A664-668. JSTOR. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. .
Bethwaite, Peter B. "Cancer Risks in Painters: Study Based on the New Zealand Cancer Registry." British Journal of Industrial Medicine 47.11 (1990): 742-46. JSTOR. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. .

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