Luhman's Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet is a renowned play of the prestigious writer Shakespeare which has received a lot of praise and appreciation. The way Shakespeare describes the characters through their speech makes him immortal. He has the ability to build the characters strongly with whom the audience could relate. He even invented his own rhyme scheme and designed good plots with timeless stories. He could write about any situation which a person normally encounters and introduced new words which are used till date. Romeo and Juliet was a classic love story of forbidden love. The power in the story is incredible where the two lovers loved each other unconditionally and sacrificed their lives in an indelible manner. Romeo and Juliet play has never been so popular among the youngsters because of the strange and difficult language used by Shakespeare for describing the play. This dissatisfaction was an inspiration to Film and Television world and many directors since 1908 to till date has filmed this play in different ways. As per the internet movie base, there were 24 movies which were based directly on the play. There are more than 23 spin offs and 34 movies which are ballets where some of them have an original script as well. In total, there are 57 movies, but when it comes to movies that use Shakespeare’s text and are available on DVD then the count is decreased to 8 . In this essay we will discuss about the 1996 film version of Romeo and Juliet which addressed the new young generation starring Claire Danes as Juliet and Leonardo Di Caprio as Romeo. We will discuss whether the 1996 film version update the Shakespeare’s play or distort it and whether the film helped the audience to connect with the play or did it change the play beyond recognit...

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... because Luhrmann created the same message what Shakespeare did with his Language. This was important because modern audience cannot relate with Shakespeare’s language. The way he transformed Shakespeare’s words in images was incredible and it recalled the same emotions, but as far as the text is concerned, the film is still farthest from the play.

Works Cited

Georgopoulou, Xenia. Filming Romeo And Juliet For Generation X. 1st ed. 2014. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.
Shakespeare in the Movies- Romeo + Juliet- The Symbolism of Water.
Travers, Peter. 'William Shakespeare's Romeo Juliet | Movie Reviews | Rolling Stone'. Rolling Stone. N. p., 1996. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

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