Drinking Water Essay

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It might be easier to live a healthy life for many people, but for others it can be very challenging. I have tried to be healthy so many times, but I always fell off the wagon. For many days I would “feel” healthy, but in reality I was not the healthiest person mentally or physically. I knew that I had to change my behavior, and become healthier (or at least almost healthy) if I wanted to live a longer life. I began my journey by drinking more water, balancing my eating with exerting, all while trying to stay mentally well. Humans are mostly made up of water, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that someone should stay hydrated. If someone does not drink the right amount of water daily their bodies can become dehydrated. I had to learn this lesson …show more content…

Drinking water has made my skin feel less dry, and clearer. I always feel more energized after or before an exercise by drinking water. Water can also help people lose weight by making them feel fuller during, and after meals. It might be hard for people to replace their sugary or fizzy drinks for water, since water is less appealing. Just by replacing one sugary drink a day with a bottle of water can be very helpful. People can also flavor water with tea, or fruit to make it more …show more content…

Being physical active can help strengthen bones and muscles, which can make everyday tasks easier to perform. As stated before water can help people lose weight, but another way people can lose weight is by exercising. Exercising helps people lose weight by helping them burn the right amount of calories daily. Exercising can also help people live longer, by helping the body protect itself from many diseases. Many people use Exercise as a form of meditation, because it can be very relaxing for people. I love going to the gym after a stressful week, because strangely enough after my workout I feel more peaceful and calm. Many people believe that the only way they can get a good workout is by going to the gym, but that is incorrect. Many people can exercise right in their homes, or even at their local park. Many parks offer tracks where people can run, walk, or even ride their bikes. It’s a great way to enjoy the outside, and get some fresh air. There are a variety of free exercise videos online that people can do in the comforts of their home. Anybody can fit exercising into their daily schedule, because you can literally do it

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