Light, The Primary Source of Energy in Photosynthesis

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Light has a wave nature and particle nature. The smallest parts or units of light are called photons and the amount of photons absorbed per unit time determines the brightness of light. Wavelengths are a certain amount of energy each photon possesses as they vibrate. Chlorophyll reflects the wavelengths green part of the light spectrum because it is green and the plants that contain chlorophyll are green as well.
This article may not be reliable because there was no date or author noted. This article clearly examines in what form light is absorbed and the process thereof.
Article 2:
Photosynthesis converts light/radiant energy to chemical potential energy. The raw materials needed for this process to occur are light energy, water and carbon dioxide in order to make glucose. Light absorbed gives chlorophyll the green pigment as it absorbs red and blue light therefore making these two colours invisible to the human eye as the green is not absorbed. This means that the blue and red light are used for photosynthesis.
This article is reliable in that it has been recently updated on the website therefore any flaws or inaccuracies would have been corrected then as the process of photosynthesis does not evolve, but rather, the plant evolves and adapts itself for this process. This article clearly states that although not all parts of the light are used, it is still needed by the chlorophyll molecules and gives the molecules their characteristic green pigment.
Article 3:
Photosynthesis depends on light absorbed by the chloroplasts in the leaves. Nutrients would not be created by photosynthesis if it weren’t for the absorption of light. It is said that early aquatic bacteria photosynthesize using s protein complex in halobacteria- in their ...

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...closes that without the presence and absorption of light oxygen would not be produced and that the light independent phase would not occur.

Works Cited

Carter, J. S. (2014, January 14). Photosynthesis. Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Biology104:
Contributor, e. (n.d.). Role of Light in Photosynthesis. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from eHow:
Unknown. (n.d.). Light Absorption for Photosynthesis. Retrieved March 22, 2014, from HyperPhysics:
Unknown. (n.d.). Photosynthesis. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from Calpoly: (Article 5)
Unknown. (n.d.). The Spectrum and Photosynthesis. Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Ecotree:

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