Reflection On The Grade Level Of The Classroom

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The grade level of the classroom I designed is mainly elementary school. I identified this grade level because with the lockers being in the classroom, it is likely that the students are in that classroom most of the time and traveling to other rooms is minimal. It also includes a lot of furniture/fixtures which can be found in classrooms of lower grade levels. While some of these things are available in middle school and high school classrooms, they are often built into the walls, so they cannot be moved or relocated. Lastly, the size of the classroom (being fairly large) accommodates multiple arrangements of items, and a wide variety of items. The disability I chose to accommodate was someone who is identified as deaf/ hard of hearing. I chose this because growing up one of my friends all through elementary, middle, and high schools was deaf. Every year he was accompanied by an interpreter. My main reason for putting the square table where I did was so that this associate could have a place to sit that would be near the student, …show more content…

Most storage such as bookshelves, file cabinets, wardrobe storage, and misc. cabinets were placed along the outer perimeter of the room to maximize visualization, accessibility, and space. The spacious layout allows for students, the teacher, and other personnel to move safely around the room.
The teachers desk is placed on the side of the room by both the desks and the carpeted reading/meeting area. This placement allows the teacher to watch what is going on at the desks, and in the back corner while not blocking the view of the boards. The kidney table is placed in the back-left corner which also allows visualization of the desks and carpeted area, just from a different view. The placement next to the storage cabinets makes it easy for the teacher to access extra practice worksheets for small

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