Letter From Birmingham Jail By Dr. King

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On April 12, 1963 Dr. King wrote one of his famous literatures to address his biggest issues in Birmingham and the United States at the time. After being criticized by his fellow clergymen MLK decided to respond to the churches. In the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Dr. King, He explains his experience and the racial injustice he has acquired from Birmingham. While in jail he describes the stores in Birmingham having racial signs and clear hate towards blacks. In addition to this, he talks about the inequality towards the African American community by describing the power of the oppressor and the clear signs of racism in the city as well as the inequality the leaders perform. In his letter Dr. King talks about his beliefs that blacks belong …show more content…

Although both of these activists have different solutions and deliver things differently, they both address racism and the injustice the U.S. government performs on daily basis. In addition to this, they are both African Americans who persuading different audiences but are delivering the same content. In MLK’s letter he responds to his clergymen’s criticisms by addressing the racial injustices in Birmingham; while Malcolm X is delivery the same content but his audiences are blacks and whites. Even though they are both striving to declare freedom and are willing to fight for their human rights, MLK is more effective than Malcolm X in fighting against racial …show more content…

He inspires his audiences differently. Because he is a true believer of getting what you want through aggressiveness, Malcolm X encourages the African American community that “it’s time to stop singing and start swinging.” (X 214) In other words it’s time to stop being peaceful and nonviolent and start being aggressive and physical to fight for justice. In fact, in his speech Malcolm X shows that peaceful marching, and protesting will not bring justice to blacks and peaceful words will also not guarantee justice. To continue convey his message through aggressive tone he uses Hitler’s example from WW11. He explains how the United States and other countries used violence to take Hitler from power. Because of that, he encourage blacks to stop being friendly to the oppressor and start being aggressive and violence towards them. To add to that, Malcolm X also inspires blacks to control the economy of their community and not let a white men lead the

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