Theme Of Deception In Macbeth

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In the play Macbeth, William Shakespeare exclaims that personal portrayal can conceal one’s stature and true intentions. Macbeth is a man who is initially well trusted by the king. Unfortunately behind King Duncan’s back , Macbeth decides to murder him because of a future prediction that three witches made about Macbeth. After hearing that he could potentially become the Thane of Cawdor, and more importantly the King. He decided he must take action in order for his future to become true. Though the ways he went about obtaining this future were not all ethical. Deception and betrayal brightly lit his path to becoming the potential king, and unfortunately Macbeth was faced with fate and more importantly put to justice for his preposterous actions. One of the biggest hidden concepts in this play is the idea of deception. Deception happens very prominently throughout the play by many different characters. These individuals used deception in order to achieve a personal gain, though there is an opportunity cost to this personal gain, thus leading to cloaking of true individual intent. Lady Macbeth faultlessly portrays this idea of deception when she tells Macbeth to “Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, Your tongue look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t” (1, 5, 65-66) she wants Macbeth to hide his true intentions that way he can grow close to his aspiration of killing the king. In addition, Macbeth continues his deception as he exclaims “That …show more content…

Many people throughout the play are faced with fate and fate determines the success and worth of there actions. One who is most prominently faced with fate is Macbeth. After his multitude of deceptive and betraying actions it becomes his fate for all that he is done. Macduff speaks on this as he proclaims “Hail, king! For so thou art. Behold where stands the usurper’s cursed head. The time is

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