The, Killing Us Softly 4

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I chose these four journal writings because I believe they are the strongest pieces I have written from the second half of the semester. The main focus of these journals was based on readings under the women as objects topic. The oppression of women has led to females being objectified and used as gratification for men. A woman’s body and appearance have become a commodity, especially in the media. Films, television shows, music and advertisements use women’s bodies to attract their audience and sell products. The movie watched in class “Killing Us Softly 4,” highlights this fact while presenting how women are represented throughout the media. The media has set and perpetuated a particular standard of beauty that is restrictive, but for some many women completely unattainable. The women represented in the media are young, thin and have western or European characteristics. Where does that leave the majority of women that do not fall under this category? This leads to women developing eating disorders to achieve an ideal body image that is manufactured through Photoshop and other picture editing systems. Women of color, women with disabilities or any woman that does not follow this standard is not represented within the media. When a few women do break this mold and become famous, they are set at a different standard. These women’s differences become the highlighted feature of their fame. However, the one constant in the media when it comes to women is the objectification and sexualization of women. This sexualization can lead to aggression or violence against women and the perpetuation of rape culture. The images viewed in the media directly impact how women view themselves and how others view women. By examining the issues women f...

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...ny psychological reasons, but it also makes her believe that all she has to offer in a relationship is her body. Due to her internalized racism, she believes she would never be as good as Megan, Drew’s wife. Clemencia understands her skin color to be the reason why Drew did not leave his wife. It is a deluded thought because a man of authority showed inappropriate interest to a young developing girl. Her parents’ relationship and her affair drastically altered the view of herself and the world around her. She had become so obsessed with Drew that she formed a relationship with his son. Cisneros’ story, although sad for the reader, is an example of how women are represented within society. She does not follow this atypical story of how a woman should act, yet is not any less of a woman. This is a woman’s experience that is so often forgotten, but is still a valid life.

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