The Role Of Importance To Kant In Fostering Moral Development In Children

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4)What is of importance to Kant in fostering moral development in children? ------------------ For Kant, education is not just about the instillation of knowledge—but the molding of one’s moral character. This is important in Kant’s framework because moral character makes someone of value to themselves and to society. For if they have moral insight, and the ability to discern right from wrong on their own out of a sense of duty, then this will make them upstanding human beings; ensuring they will seek to be and do what is “good,” no matter where their life takes them. And so, in short, Kant finds the fostering moral development in children to be critical, not only for the sake of the child, themselves—but for sake of the society they live in. ------------------ To examine this issue more closely, this essay explore the role of education in Kant’s view, more generally, and in relation to the training of character. From here will be examined the role of schooling in one’s moral development, and in the kinds of moral attributes Kant thinks one should adopt. ------------------ To begin, Kant is very clear about the role of education in one’s life. “Man can only become man by …show more content…

We must see then that the child should accustom himself to act in accordance with maxims and not from certain ever-changing springs of action (211).” Maxims, as distinct from disciplinary rules “proceed from the understanding of man (211).” Thus where rules say a child will be punished for “x” and rewarded for “y,” maxims of right and wrong are things one should understand automatically, regardless of punishment or reward. In following a maxim of, say, “do not lie, cheat, or murder”—one does not lie, cheat or murder, not because they fear punishment or seek reward, but because they know such things are inherently wrong.

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