Julius Caesar: The Spirit of Caesar

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Imagine being your countries hero, imagine all the people loving you and adoring you, imagine being the best at everything – now imagine Julius Caesar. It seems as though the last one doesn’t fit, does it? However, wasn’t Caesar one of the most influential people during the time of the Roman Empire AND didn’t he influence our world today? As well as in reality, in the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, this man has a very interesting role. Despite the fact that he is immensely influential during his life, after his assassination it seems as though Caesar is still influential – or, more specifically, his spirit is.

There are three general aspects which the spirit of Caesar influenced (being still alive Caesar influenced some of these aspects as well, but not as drastically as his spirit).

The first aspect was the conscience. It is interesting to note that not too many people can really influence that aspect while still alive and even if they can – it’s still quite difficult. However, after the assassination of Caesar many people felt compunction because of what had happened...

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